Felix's Blog



  • 为什么游戏会成瘾

    TL; DR
    游戏本身的variable reward加上家长对孩子游戏的管控,不明确的管控规则,朝令夕改的态度导致游戏成瘾被强化。

Reason One: Variable Reward.

最近在supermemo wiki上看到了一片非常好的文章,讲述了儿童游戏成瘾的原因。原文标题“Reward diversity in preventing addictions-supermemo.guru ” 下面介绍一下文章的主要观点。

Gaming addiction is allegedly caused by variable reward, however, inconsistent parenting can produce a more dangerous variability at a higher level. In the end, it may turn out that a parent is more guilty than a game developer.

游戏成瘾的原因在于variable reward。可变奖励。什么是可变奖励,这牵扯到B. F. Skinner的Operant conditioning-wiki。wikipedia中介绍了

As stated earlier in this article, a variable ratio schedule yields reinforcement after the emission of an unpredictable number of responses. This schedule typically generates rapid, persistent responding. Slot machines pay off on a variable ratio schedule, and they produce just this sort of persistent lever-pulling behavior in gamblers. The variable ratio payoff from slot machines and other forms of gambling has often been cited as a factor underlying gambling addiction.

游戏的奖励是variable ratio的,因此这会导致成瘾行为。

Reason Two: Deprive children’s Freedom


The main risk for developing a gaming disorder stems largely from the assault on child’s freedoms. In an attempt to control gaming time, parents introduce unclear rules, spark fights, impose restrictions, improvise, confiscate devices, impose penalty chores, etc. The more irrational and unpredictable their behavior, the more the reward of access to gaming become variable reward. In addition, school plays a similar role and adds to the sense of loss of control. This is exactly how variable reward drives gambling at the level above the game itself. The reward is the access to the game, not the tricks that a game developer might have programmed in to keep kids addicted. A healthy brain will saturate. The joy and attraction cannot last for ever. There are other attractions in life. There are other games. There is fatigue. There are many balancing forces that terminate gaming without the fall into addiction (see: Videogames and TV tend to saturate).

Reason Three: Parents’ Unpredictable Behavior

这一条对Reason Two更近一步,家长除了干涉孩子打游戏的时间,还对规则朝令夕改,家长本身的行为也难以预测,这也成为了另外一种Variable reward或者叫“Variable punishment”。由此游戏的成瘾行为被放大了。



Diversity of reward is an important defense against the dangers of variable reward. Reward diversity is preventive in depression.

第二步应该是让Operant Conditioning satiating化。Operant Conditioning wikipedia中写到

Satiation/Deprivation: The effectiveness of a positive or “appetitive” stimulus will be reduced if the individual has received enough of that stimulus to satisfy his/her appetite. The opposite effect will occur if the individual becomes deprived of that stimulus: the effectiveness of a consequence will then increase. A subject with a full stomach wouldn’t feel as motivated as a hungry one.[19]

