Felix's Blog

Be Proactive,The Relaxation Algorithm和最优化


Be Proactive

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 中早就提到过”be proactive”的原则,但是今天在吴军的 《态度》 又重温了一遍会有新的感悟,职场确实应该主动去给自己找事干而不是被动等待上级分配事情,这对自己的职业发展无疑是有益的



The Relaxation Algorithm

最近在读 Algorithms to Live By 这本书,这本书主要是将一些算法应用人生上面。有一章讲到了一个Relaxation的算法,从著名的旅行商问题延伸出来的一个算法,作者做了一个非常有意思的类比,将其类比到人生选择中,个人觉得非常有意思。

Though most of us haven’t encountered the formal algorithmic version of Constraint Relaxation, its basic message is familiar to almost anyone who’s dreamed big about life questions. What would you do if you weren’t afraid? reads a mantra you might have seen in a guidance counselor’s office or heard at a motivational seminar. What would you do if you could not fail? Similarly, when considering questions of profession or career, we ask questions like What would you do if you won the lottery? or, taking a different tack, What would you do if all jobs paid the same? The idea behind such thought exercises is exactly that of Constraint Relaxation: to make the intractable tractable, to make progress in an idealized world that can be ported back to the real one. If you can’t solve the problem in front of you, solve an easier version of it—and then see if that solution offers you a starting point, or a beacon, in the full-blown problem. Maybe it does.

What relaxation cannot do is offer you a guaranteed shortcut to the perfect answer. But computer science can also quantify the tradeoff that relaxation offers between time and solution quality. In many cases, the ratio is dramatic, a no-brainer—for instance, an answer at least half as good as the perfect solution in a quadrillionth of the time. The message is simple but profound: if we’re willing to accept solutions that are close enough, then even some of the hairiest problems around can be tamed with the right techniques.



